Github Git Tag Release to an old commit

How to release a version based on an old commit in Github

Feb 8, 2021

First do git log in terminal to show all the commit id's (SHA1) in your current branch. Then find the beginning part of an old commit id — SHA1.

In Github you can find it here:

Then run this :

git tag -a v1.0.0 594d509 -m "Message here"

Where 594d509 is the beginning part of a commit id (SHA1).

You can omit the -a and the -m "Message here" parts if you don't want to add a message:

git tag v1.0.0 594d509

After you release a version or a tag you can push it like:

git push origin v1.0.0




Written by Panjeh

Posting about Python and Laravel

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